Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Shackleton Writing - sharing our drafts

We have been learning about Sir Ernest Shackleton and his trips to Antarctica, especially the trip when Endurance got crushed by pack ice.

Today we shared some of our first pieces of writing about this amazing voyage. We were imagining that we were a crew member and we were heading towards Antarctica, filled with excitement and nervousness and maybe feeling a bit seasick too in the big waves of the Southern Ocean.

We'll write a few more pieces about Shackleton, choose one each to publish, then post some of them for you to read.

In these photos are outside our classroom in the courtyard enjoying the afternoon sunshine, listening to each others stories and giving feedback.

Room 4 students love writing time!


  1. your stories look cool

  2. I had a long story.

  3. caleb did some good listing to me.

  4. I love this Shackleton writing

  5. I wrote that i wouldn't be able to shave

  6. We found a picture of the Endurance sailing under the London Bridge and we saw it on the River Thames which it was sailing on and we found it on the Internet

  7. Clare (Mackenzie's Mum)24 May 2012 at 19:41

    It is very cool that you are looking at Shackleton's adventures. Mackenzie is very proud of being able to spell his name to me. Mackenzie's grandad has a big book on his adventures! I look forward to reading your stories.

  8. I like all of them. I already have thought about what I'm going to writing the next draft.

  9. I really liked doing these stories

  10. Their is a show on night.

  11. Wow you all look like you are having fun! I wish I was there.
